Critical Reflection and Evaluation of Teaching

Assignment Guide
You are required to critically appraise at least two aspects of your teaching and explore the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to deliver an effective teaching session within a positive learning environment.
You are required to evaluate the significance of your learning and explore the implications of this to practice development. You should appraise and apply relevant literature and evidence to inform your reflective commentary.
Based on your teaching session you will be expected to write a 2000 word critical reflection and evaluation of your performance and how this can inform practice development. You will plan your learning experience through an agreed action plan with your Mentor and record them in Practice Document (PD).

The assessment specifications states you should critically appraise 2 aspects of your teaching, you should therefore think about the teaching and not the content or topic.
What you reflect on, will depend on the feedback from your mentor. For example, if they note you used a purely didactic approach and did not engage the learner you will need to appraise how you could enhance that aspect of your teaching in light of the available evidence.
There is not a ‘list’ we can give you, because it depends on your teaching performance and how you use the feedback given.
When identifying at least two aspects of your teaching performance to critically appraise, you are advised to look through the teaching assessment criteria sheet to help you reflect upon and choose these two aspects.
Think about which criteria you are selecting as some aspects on the assessment criteria will be limiting (e.g. adopts appropriate posture and eye contact) and some aspects can be drawn together to provided a more informed critical evaluation. You will be able to decide which aspects can be considered together, which will be influenced by your performance and feedback in practice.

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