Critical Review on a Sustainability Framework

The problems of future, those that relate to unsustainable practices, are not ‘simple’ matters of environmental degradation, the loss of social cohesion or cultural values in the pursuit of economic gain. The reality is that these problems are novel or unique. There is a ‘no stopping rule’ – you can’t hit the pause button on them while you think about what to do about them. The problem itself if often not understood until the formulation of the solution, they have no single cause, effect or alternative solution – they are Wicked.

To solve Wicked Problems we need to employ Systems Thinking.

In this assessment, you are going to be reviewing one of the Frameworks presented in Week 2 (Attached) Concerning your chosen framework you should consider;

1- How does this framework recognize that Sustainability problems are Wicked Problems?

2- How does this framework encourage or recognize the need for Systems Thinking?

Write a 1,000-word Critical Review on a Sustainability Framework of Topic 2 from a Systems Thinking perspective using the Wicked Solutions guide as the reference point.

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