Critical Thinking about families


Compose a synthesis of ideas of at least three expert views from chapter 7 in Critical Thinking about families with MLA documentation. Choose from among the five authors we read Katie Rice, Bob Morris, Lisa Belkin, Joel Kotkin, and Nicholas Jackson. Have a clear thesis that ties together three experts in your introduction. Build to that focus with an engaging introductory strategy. Devote at least one body paragraph to each source with clear connections between sources. Organize from the least to the most important source. In your conclusion, do not only review what was important, but also emphasize what was interesting and worth remembering as you return to your re-stated thesis. Keep the entire essay from the third-person perspective. Use MLA format and documentation. Review: (1) Clear synthesis in learning about family from reading, (2) objective summaries, paraphrases, and aptly chosen quotations integrated into a scholarly presentation from at least three experts we read, (3) 4-5 pages in MLA format, (4) MLA documentation alphabetically organized and correct on works cited page, (5) MLA in-text citations match works cited entries (6) clear essay focus and organization, paragraph unity and development, sentence structure and language. PowerPoint and oral presentations of the way perceptions, beliefs, and knowledge shape the choices we make with special attention to learning from others in terms of feedback, extending knowledge, and self-regulation. Students should note what they learned from experience, others, and reflection in studying their problem-solving skills and the issue of personal identity exploring the definition and concept of family. Rubric: (1) Clear focus and organization of presentation visually and orally, (2) visuals complement speech, (3) speech is at the proper volume, pace, with an awareness of the audience.

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