Critical Thinking – Higher Education

The purpose of this essay is to analyze 2 or 3 different perspectives or interpretations that address the one issue of higher education. I attached the instruction file that includes detailed instruction and materials for this essay. You should check the instruction. You are not allowed to use outside or external sources for this essay, but you can only use sources that I attached in the instruction. 1. You have to read the instruction for this essay first. 2. After reading it, you have to check the links that I attached. There will be 19 readings, and you can use only those materials to support your opinion. You must use at least 6 readings out of 19 readings. Also, you should have in text citation and direct quote for this essay. 3. You must make an issue or theme regarding higher education. The issue can be anything if you can find the answer or support evidences from the readings I attached. I prefer you to choose an issue about higher tuition fees. 4. For this essay, you must provide ANALYSIS, rather than narrative or summary of the issue; (1) your essay should provide an analysis of the issue, and clearly identify your idea. Your essay should clearly differentiate, compare and contrast at least two but not more than three interpretations of your chosen issue. (2) Based on your analysis, your essay should present an argument in support of a thesis or claim on the issue you have chosen. 5. After writing essay, please check the essay rubric stated in the instruction file.

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