Crowds for President Eisenhower


Analyze the following 3 passages. First analyze them separately and then connect your analysis of all 3 passages together at the end. Please refer to the notion of Gramscian hegemony and Althusser’s notion of “interpellation.”

They settled on playing a round of Garuda and the mothers and boys sat down together. ‘Japan’s Navy Best in the World!’….’Pray to the Gods!’…. ‘I’ll cry or scream if I get a Japanese Empire card…’ said the boy, squaring his shoulders. … ‘Me too, I get furious when I keep losing like this. Let’s concentrate now and have another round.’ …. ‘Heartfelt comfort packages’…

“…’These Westerners have bewitched you. With their cross in the left hand and sword in the right, clasping opium and the sacrament to their chests, they went up every hill and into every crevice to seek us Asians out. Deceiving and plundering us along the way. And we, bewitched by their artfulness and sorcery, their talk of the sovereign self and individual rights, we could not see that we were being robbed!…. And it is the blood of Asians that is winning us back our countries and our pride…’…”

“….’As we walked on, my child protested. “Mummy, why did you give directions to our enemy?” So I told him that not all Westerners are bad people…. He replied, “Believing in Jesus doesn’t mean they are on our side. When they go sketching landscapes or taking photographs, how do we know they are tourists and not spies sending it all back to their country?” As he was saying this, I kept thinking how much the white lady had reminded me of our school principal and Miss Winn—do you remember our English teacher Miss Winn?’ “

2. About 250 words (1 page)
Analyze the following 3 photos from the lecture notes titled, “Pictures the Korean War and Pop Culture” by relating them to one another and by constructing your own critical analytical narrative. Please do keep in mind Sturken and Cartwright’s idea about how pictures articulate complex relationships between ideologies (such as those masculinism/androcentrism/feminism, nationalism/imperialism) and images.
3. Crowds for President Eisenhower
5. Prisoners of war constructing a statue of liberty
8. The Kim Sisters

3. 125 words (1?2 page)
Keeping in mind Sturken and Cartwright’s notion of “iconic images,” what kinds of ideologies do the following “iconic images” of Aesun from Sweet Dream draw upon, reinforce and/or disrupt?

1. Where Aesun runs into her daughter outside their house and tells her that she is going shopping.
2. When she is at the dance recital and watching the dancer intently.
3. When she takes her poison at the hospital.

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