Cultural beliefs can influence business practices ranging from operations to customer service expectations.




Cultural beliefs can influence business practices ranging from operations to customer service expectations. Businesses that work internationally may encounter different obstacles than those in their home country.


In the Beijing Sammies case study that is located in the Wk 5 Learning Activities folder and in “Part 6: Cases” of the course textbook, you learned that Sam has a well-organized business plan underway that includes many consumer aspects. Due to that, it was quite a surprise to many when Sam’s company suddenly began to lose traction after a steady climb to achieving success. It appears Sam failed to anticipate some entrepreneurial and managerial traps that impede further business development.


As you consider Beijing Sammies, respond to the following questions:

What 2 or 3 measures can Sam implement at this time to further promote a recovery process? Include details about the measures you identify. For reference, examples of the measures could include:
Emergency communication plan
Disaster-recovery team
Risk identification
Employee health and safety plan
Data backup and recovery
Business impact analysis
How does the location of the business affect these measures?

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