Cultural competence

Gain practical experience using the tools, organizations, and
communication skills learned to design an educational strategies program for colleagues in your specific
workplace or educational institution.
Critical thinking will be used to create an educational program based on the educational needs of two culturally
diverse populations. You will also explore the cultural competence of your current work (or educational) facility,
tools, and organizations already in place, and how you can help your colleagues understand the populations
they are caring for each day. You will identify problem areas and resolutions to address them in your plan.
After you have written your educational plan, share it with a colleague at work. Talk to them about your
thoughts, your goals, and why you feel the interventions will be effective. Have your colleague fill out this
survey following their review of your educational plan. You will attach your survey to the Unit 10 Dropbox in
addition to your Assignment.

  1. Introduction (1 paragraph)
  2. Assessment of your workplace: In this section, you will discuss the current state of your workplace or
    educational environment in regards to cultural education. Topics to address include:
    a. Does your workplace or educational environment include any statement about cultural competence in the
    mission, vision, and/or philosophy? If yes, please show directly where. If not, please identify how or where you
    would add cultural competence into the mission, vision, and/or philosophy (1 paragraph).
    b. What are the ways your colleagues use cultural competence best in the workplace or educational
    environment (1 paragraph)?
    c. Where is there room for improvement in cultural competence in the workplace or educational environment (1
    d. Does your organization provide professional growth opportunities for transcultural nursing practice?
  3. Culturally Diverse Populations: Provide a brief background on the two culturally diverse populations you
    most often work with in your workplace or learning environment (1–2 paragraphs).
    a. What tools do you have in your workplace or educational environment that help with cultural education of the
    two populations you described? How do they assist in caring for the culturally diverse patient (1 paragraph)?
    b. What organizations does your workplace or educational environment use to help with cultural education of
    the two populations you described and why are these organizations useful? If none, what organizations would
    be most applicable? Why? (1 paragraph)
  4. Plan for Education for Colleagues: Include a detailed plan of education for your colleagues related to the
    specific populations you discussed. Include information related to:
    a. goals (one to two) for the organization
    b. how to access and use the organizations you believe are useful to culturally competent patient care
    c. the role of the transcultural nurse
    d. specific cultural care competencies to increase patient satisfaction in your facility
    e. how you would “educate” your colleagues in terms of recognizing how to increase effective communication
    (both in writing and verbally) with their patients
    f. how communication impacts patient experiences
    g. any information that will help your colleagues better communicate, care, and educate the patients you most commonly work with in the clinical environment (3–4 paragraphs)
  5. Conclusion (1 paragraph)

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