Cultural Competence Checklist

You are a mentor teacher, working with co-teachers at All Kids Childcare and Education. Your program has started a new initiative to help teachers better incorporate and celebrate diversity. You are excited to showcase the strategies a few of the teachers are already using.
However, as the training begins, one teacher comments, “Diversity is not a priority in my classroom. Almost all of the children are from the same ethnic background.” You look around to see several other teachers nod in agreement.
First, reflect on your own leadership style as it pertains to this scenario in a reflection paper written in a Word document.
Describe the leadership style that fits with your personality and how you can use your leadership style to determine your steps for opening a broader conversation regarding diversity. Use outside resources to make connections and offer at least one example to illustrate your ideas.
Articulate the correlation between your leadership style, developmentally appropriate practice, intentional teaching, and an appreciation of the inherent benefits of diversity. Use outside resources to make connections and offer at least one example to illustrate your ideas.

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