Culture difference

Goal: The student will interview someone from a different culture. You will create a power point presentation of your findings.

Content Requirements for this assignment:

  1. For this assignment, you will Interview a client whose culture is different from yours. The client can be a patient, neighbor, grandparent, in-law, or friend. Do not use your parent, brother, sister, spouse, or significant other. This interview is the basis of your paper. Use the Organizing Framework (12 boxes in Chapter 2) to guide your interview.
  2. Interview your selected person on three or four domains of the model. Complete a literature review of the cultural group from which your interviewee comes. Compare and contrast data obtained from your interview with what you find in the literature. Provide at least two recommendations for clinical practice, two recommendations for research, and two recommendations for the health-care organization on this cultural group; be specific in your recommendations. Value of this exercise to your current or future practice.

Submission Instructions:

  • Presentation is original work and logically organized in current APA style.
    Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within last five years) scholarly
    journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your
  • Power point presentation with 8 -10 slides, excluding the tile slide and the
    reference slide.
    -The presentation is clear and concise and students will lose points for
    improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
  • Speaker notes expanded upon and clarified content on the slides.

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