Curriculum and Pedagogy for School Age Children

1.Are you familiar with how does learning happen? Tell me a few key points about how does learning happen (HDLH). 2. What do you think is the connection between ELECT/ELF, Every Child Every Opportunity, HDLH, and the Kindergarten Program? 3. Discuss 1 of the foundations/foundational Conditions from How Does Learning Happen. 4. Explain how the foundational condition identified above is reflected within the Kindergarten Program document. 5. What is intentional teaching for intentional learning? How would you apply this to a school age environment? 6. How do you come up with your lesson plans? How do you ensure they are appropriate for your group of children in Kindergarten? 7. How are you, as an educator, able to enhance 21st century skills in children? 8. Provide an example of how you would use a graphic organizer with your group of Kindergarten children. 9. Imagine that you’re reading a book with a group of grade 1 children. how could you apply Bloom’s Taxonomy to this learning opportunity? 10. Why do you think Bloom’s Taxonomy is important for your work with Kindergarten children?

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