Curriculum Evaluation

The evaluation of curriculum is a continual process of matching content with the needs of students. Each instructional setting presents opportunities and challenges. Instructors use different indicators to ensure that the evaluation process yields results that can have a positive impact on curriculum and instruction. In this task, you will provide a multiday unit plan and recommend changes to this plan based on your instructional setting. You will then teach a lesson or review these changes with a professional colleague and then reflect upon these changes.

A. Provide a series of lesson plans that form a multiday unit plan for your instructional setting that includes and identifies the following components: • objectives • description of the content • recommended instructional strategies • assessment strategies 1. Discuss the relevance of the unit plan’s learning objectives to your instructional setting. B. Describe a weak area in the curriculum content of the unit plan. 1. Recommend a change to strengthen the area described in part B and justify how this change would improve the overall curriculum content of the unit. C. Describe a weak instructional strategy in the unit plan. 1. Recommend a change to the instructional strategy described in part C and justify how this change would assist all students in meeting the learning objectives. After incorporating the recommended changes you provided in parts B and C, teach a sample lesson from the unit plan in your instructional setting or review the entire unit plan with a professional colleague. Then do the following: D. Reflect on how effective your recommended changes from parts B and C were in addressing a wide variety of issues or challenges (such as issues or challenges related to curricular content, instructional delivery, classroom management, etc.) in your instructional setting.

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