Customer Service and healthcare marketing

Patient reported outcomes refer to reports of the status of a patient’s health condition that comes directly from the patient. Patient reported outcome tools measure the experience of patients’ journeys, how they feel about the process and outcomes of treatment by asking questions. These tools enable assessment of patient–reported health status for physical, mental, and social well–being. There are two main groups of patient reported outcome measures. A Patient Reported Experience Measure (PREM) is a measure of a patient’s perception of their personal experience of the healthcare they have received. Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROM) are self-report questionnaires, completed by patients, and seek to measure their perceptions of their health status and health-related quality of life following contact with healthcare providers.
Part A: Conduct a literature review on the importance of assessing patient reported outcomes on quality of care ( 1000 words).
Part B:
1- Develop a patient reported experience measure questionnaire (around 20 questions).
2- Develop patient reported outcome measure questionnaire for assessing the perspectives of Covid-19 inpatients in UAE about the care received (around 20 questions).
3- Briefly explain how you will validate the two tools and explain one limitation each of on-site and post-discharge questionnaire administration.

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