DANCE: The Body, Performance, Choreography

As our first introduction to the art of dance, we will be watching a selection of performances in this Module’s Images, Texts, and Inquiries (have this worksheet handy as you screen them!) Use the time to really explore your own reactions, taking note of what interests or surprises you, observe details and movements you may not be familiar with, and practice talking/writing about the body as a medium.

AS YOU WATCH: Pay attention to as many details as you can about what you see and hear in each piece; pay attention to your own body as well: can you put yourself in the body of the dancers? What would the piece feel like in your own skin and muscle? What is the role of speed and slowness in each piece?

RESPOND: For each performance, jot down some of your first thoughts for each of the following questions.

How many dancers are in this piece? How to they relate to and interact with one another?

Piece #1:



Are the dancers in costume? Makeup? What do their bodies look like? Their facial expressions?

Piece #1:



What kinds of movements are the dancers using? How do they move through the space/stage? What muscles do you see/think are being used to make these movements?

Piece #1:



Can you see any repeated movements/steps/gestures? Are there many variations in these movements?

Piece #1:



How would you relate the choreography (the arrangement of the dance) to the music?

Piece #1:



Is there a story being told by this performance? What emotions are you feeling watching it?

Piece #1:



What can you say about the tempo and dynamics – the speed and fluctuations – of each performance, especially combined with the music?

Piece #1:



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