Data model constructed for Garden Glory in A4


We had the data model constructed for Garden Glory in A4. Now we need to convert it into
relational database design. There are two steps for this assignment:
1. List all the final entities or tables that you have for the database design. Show them in
structural format. We already had two entities from A4, and they are:
PROPERTY (PropertyID, PropertyName, PropertyType, Street, City, Zip)
SERVICE (ServiceID, ServiceDate, Description, Amount, PropertyID)
Remember you might have more than six tables for database design. Why? You may
need to resolve the M:N relationships at this stage, and this adds additional intersection
2. With the entities in step 1, modify the E-R diagram you draw in A4 with Visio to turn it into
a E-R diagram for database design.
• Add appropriate attributes for each entity. Make assumptions if necessary
• Use identifying/non-identifying relationships as appropriate.
• Clearly show the PKs and FKs
• Clearly show the maximum and minimum cardinalities. Make assumptions if necessary
By doing this, you have also clearly shown the relationship (1:1, 1:M, or M:N)

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