David Fincher’s use of cgi in his movies





This quarter we have been discussing various themes and cinematic techniques that articulate Fincher’s authorial signature across his work. For your final paper, choose one theme and/or stylistic technique that you feel is essential to Fincher’s unique directorial style and trace this theme/technique in detail across two of Fincher’s narrative media texts. You may choose from any film or television works in Fincher’s oeuvre (no commercials or music videos), including works that may or may not have been covered in class. (Please note that if you choose one of Fincher’s television projects as one of your two objects of examination, you must choose to focus on an episode of the series that was directed by Fincher).
Your essay must formulate a unique argument about the relevancy of the theme/technique’s importance within Fincher’s work, in addition to providing close textual analysis of how such themes/techniques are articulated within Fincher’s work. You should also elucidate the importance and relationship between form and content in the media and scenes that you analyze. Themes and techniques to consider may include: control, obsession, puzzles/gameplay, manipulation, investigation, masculinity in crisis, noir-influence, uses of digital cinema and imagery, camera movement, cinematography and lighting, etc.





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