Degrees of Importance: The Civil War


Drawing from the history we explored in Learning Unit 7, compose a discussion board post where you select and rank by historical significance, seven (7)
factors, concepts, and/or events that led to the Civil War. Choose your seven selections according to how important you think the event is as a major,
contributing factor towards Civil War. Your events need not appear in chronological order.
Each event you select must have a 50-word explanation on why you chose the event, as well as why you ranked the event in the order it appears on your list. I
do not have a “correct” list in mind for grading. There are no “right” or “wrong” answers on this assignment. Rather, I am looking for your informed critical
analysis of the significant historical events of sectional discord that contributed to the Civil War. Your post will be evaluated on how well you explain the
significance of each event with details and historical examples.
List your selections using the format provided to you below and post it in the discussion board. For your convenience, I have provided a Microsoft Word
document file that contain the formatting so that you can work on it as a draft. Click here to access the file: Degrees of Importance- The Civil War.docx
Choose seven (7) historical events from the list below:
The Missouri Compromise (1820)
The Mexican-American War (1846-1848)
Fugitive Slave Act (1850)
The rise of the Republican Party (1850)
Publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852)
Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)
Collapse of the Whig Party (1854-56)
“Bleeding Kansas” (1856)
Caning of Charles Sumner (1856)
Dred Scott vs. Sandford (1857)
John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry (1859)
The Election of 1860
The Secession of the southern states

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