Department of Information Technology

Prepare a case of your own (scenario) for implementing basic features of OOP. The scenario should have
some pictorial representation detailing about the properties and behavior of each class being used.
Implementation of features should be done within a user defined package.
Following deliverables are expected:
S.No Deliverable Name Marks
1 Case Details (Scenario) (Problem Statement) 1
2 Properties with proper data types (atleast 5 attributes) 1
3 Methods with proper return types and scope (atleast 4 methods) 1
4 Implementation of User Defined Package 1
5 Demonstration of OOP feature 1 (Encapsulation) 1
6 Demonstration of OOP feature 2 (Inheritance) 1
7 Demonstration of OOP feature 3 (Polymorphism) 1
8 Proper naming convention 0.5
9 Proper comments in each program and within program 0.5
10 Purpose of each code should be explained. 0.5
11 Program Execution (output) 1
12 Presentation (Word Document) 0.5

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