Describe historical, social, political, and economic processes producing diversity, equality, and structured inequalities in the U.S.

The essay should describe how my project fits into the historical, social, political, and economic processes producing diversity, equality, and structured inequalities in the U.S.

I have included in the files attached information regarding what my project is
in the Information PDF. Please ask me more information about my project so you can write about it in detail.

I have attached Rubric PDF. Please follow it. Make sure to talk about the four: historical, social, political, and economic processes and relate them to the United States only. Also make sure to give good supporting details for each of those four respective areas.

For your reference, I have attached a Sample Paper. Please do not copy it, as it is not my project. Feel free to use more than 4 resources but make sure they are credible and not online blogs, try to use published research as much as possible. Make sure the thesis is clear in the introduction. Preferably last line of intro paragraph.

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