Describing a community

You will be asked to describe a specific community/cultural group in a particular place, their experience with COVID-19 disease and any health disparities that have been identified, and challenges that may be experienced by individuals and the community/cultural group in prevention efforts. After providing this analysis you will then design and describe a culturally appropriate intervention to increase COVID-19 prevention in the identified community or cultural group, or to address a related concern with the pandemic, such as social isolation among senior citizens.

You should use data to support your assertions to items 1 and 2 and identify their use with in-text citations and a reference page.

Your response should include:

1) Identification and discussion of the community or cultural group, and their location, that you are writing about including basic demographics that describe the community or cultural group. Demographics may include, among others, race/ethnicity, age, socio-economic status (SES), educational levels, insurance coverage, and occupational status.
2) Identify and describe pertinent disparities relating to COVID-19 infection and outcomes, including relevant disparities in the social determinants of health, as well as health disparities related to COVID-19 outcomes. Health disparities may include rates of infection and/or death, as well as those that compound COVID-19 infection outcomes such as obesity or diabetes rates in the community or cultural group. This section may also describe disparities related to access and availability of prevention methods, including PPE and access to COVID-19 testing. This section should end with the identification of specific areas that can be addressed in the programmatic intervention.
3) Design and describe a culturally competent programmatic intervention to address the specific areas that were identified at the end of the previous section. Examples of interventions include (but are not limited to) access to prevention information and PPE, or actions to address associated outcomes of the pandemic such as social isolation among senior citizens of the community or cultural group. The intervention must include at least two levels of the Socioecological Model of Health (covered in the first weeks of the course and the early textbook readings) with a description of how each identified level is addressed.

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