Description of music — Using the musical vocabulary

  1. Social/Cultural context of the performance — Set the stage for me: Where is the performance? Who is attending? What are they wearing? What are the performers wearing? Observe how the performers behave towards one another, and to the audience. How does the audience interact (if at all) with the performers?
  2. Description of the music — Using the musical vocabulary you have learned in class (e.g. timbre, rhythm, dynamics, etc.), please describe IN GREAT DETAIL what you hear at this performance. NB: bring a pencil and notepad (NOT a laptop, iPad, or other electronic device) to the performance so you can take notes while listening. 3. Your personal experience of the performance — How did the music/this particular performance of the music make you feel? Did the sounds conjure up any images or narratives for you? Would you attend another performance like this? Why or why not? Your reports should be 3 pages long, double spaced, Times New Roman font P
    be sure to include the date and location of the performance.

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