Descriptive Epidemiology

Consider a variety of population health problems, and then select one on Which to focus for this Discussion-
Identify a specific population affected by your selected health problem-
Research the patterns of the disease in your selected population using the epidemiologic characteristics of person, place, and time-
Explore three to five data sources presented in the Learning Resources that could aid you in describing the population and magnitude of the
problem- Analyze the strengths and limitations of each data source-
Consider methods for obtaining raw data to determine the variables of person, place, and time for your health problem- Ask yourself: How would the
methods I select influence the accuracy of case identification, definition, and diagnosis?

Post a cohesive response that addresses the following:
Evaluate your selected health problem in the population you identified by describing three to five characteristics related to person, place, and time-
Appraise the data sources you utilized by outlining the strengths and limitations of each-
Discuss two methods you could use to collect raw data to determine the descriptive epidemiology of your health problem, Determine how these
methods would influence the completeness of case identification as well as the case definition/diagnostic criteria used- m

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