Design Problem


Develop a software system that will help an Instructor at BCIT enter their course marking. The software
system will read as input from the console for each student their student number (char array), the lab
grade (float), the quiz grade (float), the midterm grade (float), and the final exam grade (float). Each
grade is a percentage out of 100, with the lab worth 40% of the course, the quiz 10%, the midterm 20% and
the final exam 30%. Create a C struct which holds each grade variable and assume the maximum class size
is 100 students (array of 100), stored as a global variable. Use a number_of_students variable to keep
track of the number of students in the class.
The software system should have a simple text menu which allows you to (A)dd a student, (E)dit a student,
(P)rint all the students data including the final course grade to the screen and (Q)uit to exit. Display the
main menu after each operation. An example of the system operation is shown below.
The design above commits several programming crimes (global variables, fixed 100 array, etc) which will
be fixed in the next lab.
3 Design Process
Develop the program described above all within one main.cpp file using the Microsoft Visual Studio
IDE. Each menu option should be executed in its own function (add_student, edit_student,
print_menu, print_grades). Note that adding a student is the same as creating a new blank student and
then editing that student (i.e. don’t duplicate the edit code)

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