Detecting Cheating in Video games using Data Mining Methods

Read through the article carefully and write a critique that addresses the following issues: 1. Problem addressed – What is the main research problem addressed in the article. (2%) 2. Prior research – Briefly discuss the body of literature that is used to motivate the research. You may need to review some of the key articles referenced by the author(s). Identify any shortcomings in the prior literature that the selected article addresses. Perform a literature search to determine if there are any relevant articles that have not been cited by the author(s). (6%) 3. Significance – Explain why you think that the article makes a significant contribution to the field. Cite references wherever possible to establish that there is a consensus among researchers that the problem addressed in the article is indeed an important one. (6%) 4. Contributions & Further Research– Summarize the significant results and contributions made by the authors. Identify possible areas in which the research can be extended. Does the article call for further research on any specific issue. (2%)

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