Detective Sergeant Bilko

Detective Sergeant Bilko supervises 10 detectives. His detectives consider him a nice guy and a hard worker who often assists them with their cases. Sergeant Bilko is a fishing buddy of several of his detectives.
Detective Quick is one of the most talented detectives in the entire county. He takes on the most difficult and complex cases with a remarkable success rate. He is well liked in the community and by fellow officers. He is a credit to the department. Detective Delay does not make nearly the contribution that Detective Quick makes. He spends a good deal of time in several local coffee shops, and his fellow officers often say he missed his calling as a talk show host. Detective Delay is popular and entertaining, but not a great detective. He is usually assigned simple cases and often needs prodding to turn his cases in on time.
Sergeant Bilko asks his detectives to complete their own performance appraisal forms before their appraisal interview. He reviews the forms with them during the interviews and seldom questions the ratings. Every year his detectives all receive nearly identical above-average scores. Detective Quick’s performance appraisal score is indistinguishable from Detective Delay’s.
What are the pros with Sergeant Bilko’s plan to have his detectives complete their own performance reviews?
What are the cons with Sergeant Bilko’s plan to have his detectives complete their own performance reviews?
What recommendations would you make to Sergeant Bilko as his supervisor concerning his performance

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