Developments in Nursing Care

“It is the ordinariness of caring both as a physical act and as a way of being, that contributes to the difficulties encountered in attempting to describe and define it” (eds Brykczynska & Jolley 1997, p.1).
Considering the quote above and your current understanding of the art of caring, undertake a reflection on your individual values and beliefs on caring as a nurse.
This assessment has 2 parts
Part 1
Undertake a creative reflection of your values and beliefs on caring as nurse considering the significance of connecting human to human to people in the health care environment. This creative reflection is to be presented in the form of a visual representation; this can be in any form except for a PowerPoint presentation. You are to participate in the discussion forum with a short overview of your creative work and provide feedback for one other student. You are to present your creative representation to your peers in workshop 2.
Part 2
Write a reflection using a recognised model to demonstrate how the exploration of the creative representation will enable your future practice to be authentic to your values and beliefs. This should include consideration of an example of where you have experienced or observed ordinary practice that was perceived as extraordinary. This reflection can utilise any recognised model of reflection.

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