Diabetes Prevention

After reading Module 1: Identifying a Study Question/ Problem and Module 2: Selecting a study approach
(Chaps. 1-10) and watching the videos on ” Writing a Research Proposal” and ” Research Methods –
Introduction ” answer the following questions below
1) What is your proposed topic/title and reasoning for the selected topic.
2) Critique of ONE article pertaining to your selected topic, an article found in a healthcare-related journal.
Provide a complete citation of the article (the title of the article, authors, journal, volume, year, and pages).
What are the research questions/hypotheses?
What are the major theories that it examines (be sure to briefly explain the
What is the research methodology (sample size, independent variables,
dependent variables and how were they measured)?
Summarize the major results
What does the author say is the major contribution of the study?
What would you say are the strengths of the study with a focus on its methodology?
What would you say are the weaknesses of the study with a focus on its methodology?

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