Diagnosis & treatment planning skills

Diagnosis & treatment planning skills

The post combines two asighnments

1:Diagnosis & treatment planning skills

Order Description

Dziegielewski, S. F. (2015). DSM-5 in action (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Schwitzer, A. M. & Rubin, L. C. (2015). Diagnosis & treatment planning skills: A popular culture casebook approach (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
SWK 615_Week_2_Discussion: The diagnostic system of the DSM is designed to do a number of things. In 250 words please discuss the purposes, strengths, and potential
limitations that you see as an emerging social work practitioner. What can social workers do to address these limitations in practice?
SWK 615_Week_3_Discussion: In 250 words answer, how do the diagnosis, case conceptualization, and treatment plan relate to one another? After knowing what you know
now, how do you think you can use these things to improve the outcomes of your future clients? Treatment planning relies on information gathered through assessment and
through the case conceptualization. Often, a diagnosis can lead us toward a particular treatment direction. What are some of the things to consider and include when
developing a treatment plan, and why are they important to consider and include?
SWK 615_Week_4_Discussion: Please think about Schizophrenia Spectrum & Psychotic Disorders; in 250 words, why do you suppose these are called ‘spectrum’ disorders
(note that this is a change from the DSM-IV-TR)? Do you see any advantages or disadvantages to the changes made for this particular diagnosis? There are many different
types of symptoms that help us to accurately diagnose schizophrenia spectrum disorders; after reading about these disorders, how might social workers be able to
differentiate this disorder from other disorders? Discuss your personal feelings about the likelihood or unlikelihood of misdiagnosing a person with one of these
disorders? How could a social worker avoid misdiagnosing?
SWK 615_Week_5_Discussion: Please think about Bipolar Disorder; There are many different symptoms that help us to accurately diagnose Bipolar Disorder; after reading
about this disorder, in 250 words, how might social workers be able to differentiate this disorder from other disorders? Discuss your personal feelings about the
likelihood or unlikelihood of misdiagnosing a person with one of this disorder. How could a social worker avoid misdiagnosing?
SWK 615_Documentation Practice Assignment
Students will use a case study (of their choice) from the text Diagnosis & Treatment Planning Skills (Schwitzer & Rubin, 2015) to create case notes for an imagined
session with a client using one of the documentation styles presented in the text DSM-5 In Action (Dziegielewski, 2015). The required length for this assignment is 2
pages. Utilize APA style in writing and must include the name of the case and a proper reference to the case in their reference page.
SWK 615_Week_5_Discussion: Please think about Bipolar Disorder; in 250 words what are some of the things that social workers consider in the assessment of this
disorder? What are some things that are important to consider in crafting treatment plans? In thinking about treatment of this disorder, please think about the
available pharmacological interventions – what are some things a social worker should be aware of related to medication and other treatment for Bipolar Disorder? (this
may require additional research outside of your textbook) Should social workers intervene if there are side effects with these medications? If so, what are some
potential interventions?

2: OCN level 4 community interpreting in the Public and Private sector

Order Description

Question 14

(A.c 2.1.1, 2.1.2)
Bilingual Glossary – Direct Translation

Number Term in English Translation
1. nurse …
2. teacher …
250 terms in Total (not per sector) Terms must in English and sorted in sectors and within sectors alphabetically ordered (Word has the option to sort ascending)
Terms used in direct translation cannot overlap with the terms from the additional terms part. One term can be used either in direct translation table or as an
additional term (indirect translation) table. The term translated into your other language.

Question 15

(A.c 2.2.1)
Evaluate the bilingual glossary as a working tool and explain how would you continue updating and using this glossary as a working tool.

use additional pages

Question 16
(A.c. 2.2.2)
Bilingual Glossary Indirect Translation

Number Term Explanation Translation
1. Health visitor The nurse who visits families with children under 4 years old. …..
50 terms in total (not per sector)
Sectors must remain the same as in part 1. You cannot choose or introduce a new sector.
Terms in English, divided into sectors and within sectors alphabetically order.
Terms cannot overlap with the terms from the direct translation. One term can be used either in direct translation table or as an additional term (indirect
translation) Simply explain the word, the way your community would understand. Do not introduce new terms in your explanation. Translate only the explanation into your
other language.

Question 17
(A.c 3.2.1)
Glossary in a context in the private sector

Number Term Use of the term Translation
1. P45 The employee received his P45 after the dismissal. …
50 terms in total (not per sector)
Terms must be divided into sectors and within sectors alphabetically ordered.

verlap with terms already used in your glossary (element B) Please write a sentence with the use of the term.

Do not use more than one term in your sentence. Keep it simple. Translate only the sentence in a way to be understood by your community.

Question 18

(A.c. 3.2.2)
Glossary in a context in the public sector

Number Term Use of the term Translation
1. Psychologist The student had to meet the school psychologist. …
50 terms in total (not per sector)
Terms must be divided into sectors and within sectors alphabetically ordered.

You can overlap with terms already used in your glossary (element B)

Choose three of the following sectors:
1. Speech Therapy
2. Mental Health
3. Maternity
4. Educational Welfare
5. Educational Psychology Please write a sentence with the use of the term.

Do not use more than one term in your sentence. Keep it simple. Translate only the sentence in a way to be understood by your community.

Question 19
(A.c. 3.3.2)
Case study and written description
Explain how to signpost clients. Develop a case study. Explain how to prepare for this interpreting assignment. Detail the steps you will take to ensure that you are
well prepared.

Question 20
(A.c 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.2)
You have been booked for an interpreting session by a public sector provider.
You have not been involved in this kind of case before so need to make, yourself familiar with the issues and support available.
You are required to produce a written directory of locally based organisations which can support your client in the following scenario and deliver a short presentation
on the process.
interpret for a woman who has been experiencing domestic violence within the home. The woman works full time and has two
children aged 5 &7. She has been in the UK for 2 years. This woman has moved to a woman’s refuge and has a wide range of issues which need to be addressed, including
? Domestic violence
? Criminal justice – police intervention
Benefits / welfare issues
? Accommodation

? Counselling for adult & children
? Childcare
? Children’s education
? Immigration issues
In order to prepare for this appointment and complete your task you are required to produce a written directory of
5 local / 25 locally or nationally based organisations who could possibly provide support or advice to this woman. For each organisation you need to briefly outline
the key aims and objectives of the organisation and which of your client issues they could help.
For five of these organisations (the most relevant) you will need to do a detailed description of their aims and objectives, the different services they provide, a
contact person for your client and which of your clients issues they could support her with.
A presentation in which you should describe;
1. How you undertook this task, your methods and how you found the information, e.g. internet, libraries, calling organisations, meeting organisations, etc.

2. The benefit of this work for the person you are interpreting for
and for yourself in carrying out the interpreting session/

3. Some examples of your results and why you chose the specific
organisations you did?

4. Give examples of some of the key organisations in relation to
the most important issues.
Question 21

(A.c 3.3.1, 4.3.1, 4.3.2)
List 5 organisations directly related to the case study – locally based. Give full explanation of their provision. List 20 other organisations based locally or
nationally. Explain their provision.

Name of organisation

Tel/ Fax
Aims of Organisation

Provisions •
Question 22
(A.c. 4.1.2)
evaluate all methods using the template below:

Method Advantages Disadvantages
2. Libraries

3. Calling Organisations
5. Email

6. Interviews

7. Meeting Organisation

Question 23
(A.c. 4.1.2)

Choose two of your research methods and:
• Explain how they helped you in your investigation?
• Explain the problems you had using these methods.
• Be specific. Do not refer to the internet in general. State the websites you have visited. Don’t just talk about books in general or leaflets. State the actual
resource that you are evaluating.
• Explain at least one way in which you would improve your research methods in the future.

Areas meant:
Criminal justice

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