Diagnostic Model Analysis

Diagnostic models are used by managers and leaders to understand the magnitude of change and the processes and systems that may be impacted by change. By diagnosing an organization, strategies specific to the diagnosis may be selected. Think about the patient that comes in with a sore throat. The doctor runs a battery of tests that indicate that a streptococcus infection exists. The diagnosis has been made and a strong antibiotic is prescribed. Similarly, managers may use a diagnostic model to determine the “battery of tests,” make a diagnosis, and decide on which strategies are relevant to the organization.
Select a diagnostic model identified in the Module 4 lecture or a model of your choice. Write a 3-4 page essay that identifies the model and describes the components of the model and their relationship to each other. Assess whether the diagnostic model that you chose is appropriate for all or any of the following types of changes: First-order, Second-order, Transformational, Downsizing, Technological, and Merger and Acquisitions.

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