Differences between Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets

Question 1 :

1. Which data fields will allow you to perform descriptive analysis?

2. Describe the data fields and questions. Is the survey and individual questions well designed? What critiques do you have about the survey?

3. What additional data cleaning or transformations would you need to perform in order to utilize some of the fields that include text such as “Is Sushi one of your favorite food? Yes / No”

4. Review the survey item #4 (For each of the following types of food please rate how strongly you agree that it is delicious). Note the results in the data file provided. Are the results in text form or numeric format? How would you transform the data into a form that would allow for additional data analysis (requiring numbers) since the data is already collected?

5. Are there other survey tools (other than survey monkey) that would allow you to ‘code’ your data in advance, making post-collection analysis a bit easier? For example it might be easier to have a data file that has a numeric rating of ‘5’ in the file for every response that is strongly agree instead of the text data ‘strongly agree’. Do some searches, and share what you are able find.

6. What are the major differences between Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets?

7. How does Tableau and Power BI differ from Excel?

8. How do data analysis (statistical software packages) such as SAS, SPSS, Stata differ from Excel?

9. Based on your searches and research, which data analysis software are the most well known or widely used?


National Financial Services Case Study
You have been hired as a management consultant to help NFS develop IT planning and governance processes using the information presented in the case and the course materials.
In your report, you will recommend (1) an IT governance structure and (2) an annual IT planning process.
Present your recommendations to NFS in the form of a brief report.
• Use 11 or 12 point font with 1” margins.
• Citations (if used) should follow APA format.
• Report sections – USE THESE HEADINGS:
o Introduction
o Background
 Summarize the specific problems at NFS.
 Based on the current situation, explain where NFS falls on the Business-IT Maturity Model (Figure 8.1).
o IT Support
 Given your recommendations below, briefly summarize the support and activities that the NFS IT organization should provide.
o IT Governance
 Recommend governance structure/processes for IT spending and benefits delivery at all levels.
 Include a method for project categorization and prioritization.
o IT Planning Process
 Recommend an annual IT planning process that provides transparency and accountability for all types of IT spending and that creates a strategically aligned development portfolio.
 Include the use of IT business cases as part of the process and recommend required components of business cases.
o Conclusion
 Explain the value of implementing your recommendations in terms of where it will put NFS on the Business-IT Maturity Model.


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