Differences between the research and the evidence-informed practice processes.

1. Define each of research, evidence-based practice, and evidence-informed practice. Explain the main difference between the research and the evidence-informed practice processes.

2. Define each of non-directional, directional, and null hypotheses. Explain what non-directional and directional have in common that is different from null.

3. Describe 2 ways in which you as a newly graduated nurse will be expected to use your research-related competencies.

4. Define each of critical thinking and critical reading. Identify and describe 1 strategy that you plan to use for each of the 4 stages of the critical reading process

5. Rate the title, including a supporting general statement, and then provide 2 specific points of rationale for your rating.

6. What style of abstract was provided? Rate the abstract and provide 2 specific points of rationale for your rating.

7. What paradigm was used to conduct this qualitative study? Provide 1 specific point of rationale to support your answer

8. Was the phenomenon of interest clearly identified?. Rate the clarity of the phenomenon of interest and provide specific points of rationale for your rating.

9. What was the purpose of this study?

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