Digital Media and Society

Select an organization or company that used or uses digital or social media to impact others.

Item 1: What is the name of the organization or company?
Item 2: What year was the organization or company established?
Item 3: What is the organization’s or company’s goal or mission?
Item 4: What products and services does the organization or company offer or provide?
Item 5: Provide the company’s or organization’s website address (URL), if available.
Item 6: How many employees does the company or organization employ?
Item 7: Where is the company or organization’s headquarters located?

Item 1: Describe how digital or social media was used to influence others.
Item 2: What specific digital or social media platforms were used (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snap chat, Pinterest, or YouTube) and how were they used?
Item 3: What occurred as the result of the use of digital or social media? Describe the impact or magnitude of the change.

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