Dinosaur Extinction and Shooting Stars

What is the KT boundary? The KT boundary is thicker in America and thinner in Italy. Why do you think the boundary is thinner in Italy? Explain is as much detail as you can how most scientist believe the dinosaurs became extinct. What element that is rare on Earth plays a key role in the KT boundary. What is an alternate theory as to how the dinosaurs became extinct?

Define a shooting star. What causes it to burn up in the earth’s atmosphere? Large enough objects will not completely burn up and will impact the earth’s surface. Such meteors could devastate the planet. Between which two planets in the solar system do these meteors typically come from? Should our government continue to spend money tracking these objects as we currently are? Search the internet for some possible ways of avoiding potential impact. In what sense does the dinosaur’s extinction involve both geology and astronomy?

Use the three resources below to answer these questions and pages 394 to 396 of our text by Tillery. The attached science rubric provides guidance on how to proceed with your final paper.

Listen to the archived radio program on the KT boundary: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p003k9d0

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