Discipline investigation Eassy for business filed

  1. What is your job in this company? How long have you been there?Have you worked at other companies in similar postion? In your previous jobs, what types of expeeriences did you have?

2.What is current job market in this filed?

3.Tell me about the skills and qualifications required in your job. Education? Ongoing training?

4.What are your job responsibilities? Do you manage or supervise people? Could be follow-up questions? Can you describle your biggest challenges in the job?

5.What are the differnet types of jobs that finance or busines might have in this company?Prior to having a“real”job, are there requirements or opportunities to do volunteer work?

6.Can you describe the types of reading and writing you do in this job?

a.Are there particular writing conventions or genres in this profession?

b.How much and what kinds of writing are done?

C.Are writing projects individual or collaborative?

d.Is there a particular writing process that is followed?

e.Are there special formats used in this profession?

f.What makes someone an authority in this profession?

g·Are there any particular features that are used in this profession?(e.g.-rhetorical strategies reference styles)

7.Do you have any samples of the type of writ ig you do in your job?This can be any type of writing-reports, memos, letters, presentations, meeting agendas, meetingminutes, lab reports, etc.Two samples or more would be great.

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