Discrimination against Women in the Workplace

Discrimination against Women in the Workplace Objectives: To conduct an investigative analysis and enhance you’re writing skills in digital media. More specifically, to conduct and evaluate secondary research on your topic; locate reliable sources; gather relevant information; and design a blog/website of your findings, creating/integrating multimedia materials and documenting your sources appropriately. Audience: Students and professionals in your field, future employers, and essentially anyone who accesses the internet looking for information on your topic. Required Content: 5 individual posts/pages (250 words minimum) that must include one or more of the following: • At least 5 headlines to catch readers’ interest • At least 4 visuals that will enhance understanding of your topic or issues related to it—this could include charts/graphs, illustrations, examples, etc. • At least 3 hyperlinks to other websites or documents that will provide additional reading to that which is reported in your post and documented on your bibliography • At least 1 video that will enhance understanding of the topic or related issues—this can be a relevant video you find online or one you create yourself • At least 1 original podcast, voicethread, cartoon or presentation (using slideshare/powerpoint/prezi) 1 additional post that provides the bibliography— APA documentation Total Project: A blog with 6 chronological posts Length: approximately 1,250 words (not including hyperlinked material or bibliographical info) Research: minimum 7-10 sources

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