Diversity within the workforce

Walsh, David J. (2019). Employment law for human resource practice (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Affirmative Action laws have been implemented to ensure diversity within the workforce. Since their inception, however, there has been debate as to the validity of such programs. Concerns range from how well they actually ensure diversity to claims of reverse discrimination. In 750-1,000 words, summarize Affirmative Action and assess its contrasting viewpoints. Include your own perspective on the laws and processes.

Support your paper with course materials and at least three (3) additional sources. Use correct APA format throughout. Required word count does not include the reference page. A title page and abstract are not required. Consult the Writing Assignment Grading Rubric to ensure you are meeting the assignment’s criteria as this information and the rubric will be used to assess your work.

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