Does daily exercise/ physical activity Benefit?

For Part 1, based on the PICOT question you developed and the evidence you obtained in the literature, °
you will present a literature review based on the findings that address possible interventions for your
identified clinical question.


P: In pregnant women

|: Does daily exercise/ physical activity

C: Compared to those who do not exercise /physical activity

O: Reduce the risk of preterm delivery

T. During the course of pregnancy.

Part 1 should be between 7-10 pages (not including cover page and references). It will be graded with the
following rubric:

Due Date

Apr 28, 2019 11:59 PM

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Rubric Name: Assignment #3: Quality Improvement Intervention/Proposal Paper Part 1

21-30 points)

The paper includes a clear and accurate statement of the problem to be addressed. The primary focus of
the intervention is clearly identified. A convincing case for an intervention related to the problem is

(21-30 points)

Research literature is adequately discussed using recent references from seven or more scientific journal

(21-30 points)

Summary findings related to both the problem statement and proposed intervention are well presented.
Assignment was submitted on time, is proper length, is wel! formatted, and appropriately uses APA style.

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