Does food insecurity affect college students?

Describe the process you would plan to undertake in collecting and analyzing data, were you to carry out this research project.
Depending on your research plan, you may include many of the following, (and some of the below sections and questions will not apply)

  1. For DEDUCTIVE proposals, to test a hypothesis, ONLY: Theory & hypothesis:
    • If a particular social science theory or paradigm (discussed in the literature review) helped you select your variables of interest and generate a
    hypothesis, please name it here, and briefly summarize it (and re-cite it).
    • Clearly state your hypothesis about how independent and dependent variables are expected to relate. This should clearly relate to the theory just
  2. Data Collection Method Overview:
    • Please give a quick summary statement of how the information will be collected (e.g. self-administered scale or survey, open-ended interview, focusgroup, self-monitoring checklist, secondary data analysis, etc.)
    • Specify whether there will be one or more measurement occasions. If the study is longitudinal (two or more measurement occasions,) please explain
    the schedule of data collection.
    • Specify if the study is anonymous or confidential or neither, as this can potentially impact the validity of the data.
  3. Sampling Plan:
    • Describe the population from which you propose to draw your sample and how you will select your sample. Is it an enumeration (gathering data from
    everyone in the population) or a sample (subset)? Will you select randomly, and if so, through what method (e.g., simple random sampling)? Will you
    employ non-probability sampling, and if so, using what method (e.g. convenience sampling)?
    • Briefly identify anticipated limitations of or advantages to your sampling methodology here (external validity).
    • Also, list your proposed sample size and any possible limitations to statistical power (statistical conclusion validity) anticipated due to it.
  4. Concept Operationalization (Measurement):
    • If you propose to employ a closed-ended quantitative research plan, please list and describe how the concepts outlined in your hypothesis will be
    operationalized. For example: “the concept “depression” is to be operationalized by asking closed questions about feelings of despair”. Or:
    “depression is to be operationalized by including questions from the CESD (specify which), a composite scale that has been established as a reliable
    and valid indicator of depression by psychometric tests (citation)”.

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