Doing the Right Thing – Uwe know what is right, can we do it?

After watching the Doing the Right Thing video, “If we know what is right, can we do itr respond to the following questions. Your initial post is due by 11:59 pm on Thursday, and at least two response posts are due by 11:59 pm on Saturday. The Discussion Forum Rubric will be used to assess your postings.
C.S. Lewis said that the mind can only govern the heart through the chest. By this he meant that once moral convictions have been learned and internalized, these convictions can reinforce our reason to enable us to control the passions.
1. Do you think that proper moral formation can assist reason in overcoming the passions and our capacity to rationalize our behavior, or is something more needed?
2. Have you experienced knowing the right thing to do, but not doing it? Or knowing the right thing to do, and doing it? 3. As you reflect on your past experience(s) with doing the right thing, what conclusions can you draw? 4. After watching the video and thinking about our ability to do what we know is right, what have you learned? 5. Describe at least one specific way in which you can apply what you have learned about doing the right thing.

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