Don DeLillo’s White Noise (1985)


Don DeLillo’s White Noise (1985) is a postmodern novel that is critiquing the modern American culture by connecting consumerism to identity and at the center of it all is death. For this assignment, we will research and analyze the novel determining its literary importance using multiple sources.

Prompt: For this essay, identify some of the observations/criticisms Don DeLillo is making in his novel White Noise about society in the 1980s and how these observations are still applicable to us today.

Outside sources: To support your ideas, you will use:

1.concrete examples from the novel by directly citing key passages

2. 3 scholarly articles that offer an analysis on DeLillo’s White Noise you have found on the library’s database—do not use book reviews—to support your analysis

3. In addition to the 3 scholarly sources above, you may also include other sources that speak to pop culture either from our textbook or from periodicals found on the library databases.


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