Du Bois and Wahington

Choose two authors that work well as a debate pair and put them in dialogue with one another.
Indicate where they converge, diverge, explicitly agree/disagree. Suggest what’s at stake in their debate and
which side you come down on and why. If relevant, you should also draw attention to unspoken assumptions /
points that you think both sides miss. This shouldn’t be a compare and contrast essay it should be in a
conversation with two authors. The two authorse chosen is Du Bois and Washington. I choose these two
because throughout there articles they already have some dialogue. Just some background information
Washington is arguing that poverty (how it’s economically dependent) is an important issue that needs to be
focused on while Du Bois argues that we shouldn’t tolerate political injustice just for the sake of getting
economic justice. He’s saying that it’s ok to demand justice in all demand. This essay cannot have any outside
sources other than the ones I provide. Opinion should be at the beginning of the paper as well.

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