Dyadic Interpersonal Communication

South African College of Applied Psychology (Pty) Ltd
Interpersonal Communication Skills
Module Outline
Page 9
Represents competent work, but tends to be mechanical, lacking in originality and depth. It may
reflect an inability to demonstrate insight into the assessment.
Represents adequate achievement in all areas. The work lacks originality and several errors are
F = NOT YET COMPETENT (below 50%)
Represents work that fails to meet the requirements for the assessment
Assessment 2: Video Recording and Reflective Essay
Session: Session 11
Length: 1500 – 2000 words
Marks: 100
Weighting: 55%
What is a reflective essay?
A great deal of your time at College will be spent thinking; thinking about what people have said,
what you have read and what you are thinking about. The thinking process involves reflective
thinking and critical thinking. Reflective thinking is a personal response to experiences and new
Reflective writing is:
● your response to experiences, opinions, events or new information;
● your response to thoughts and feelings;
● a way of thinking to explore your learning;
● an opportunity to gain self-knowledge;
● a way to achieve clarity and better understanding of what you are learning;
● a chance to develop and reinforce writing skills; and
● a way of making meaning out of what you study.
It is not:
● just conveying information, instruction or argument;
● pure description, though there may be descriptive elements;
● straightforward decision or judgement (e.g. about whether something is right or wrong,
good or bad);
● simple problem-solving; and
● a summary of module notes.

South African College of Applied Psychology (Pty) Ltd
Interpersonal Communication Skills
Module Outline
Page 10
You are required to record a face to face dyadic interpersonal communication between yourself and
another person. This must not be scripted nor be a mock counselling session but rather a natural
conversation/chat of 5-10 minutes maximum. Record the conversation and include this with your
assessment. Following from this, you will be required to present a written self-critique where you
reflect critically upon your own strengths and limitations during this conversation.
Your self-critique should address the following points:
● Identify and reflect upon your strengths demonstrated in the conversation. Use verbatim quotes
and descriptions of body language to support your critique. Using relevant literature, define all of
your concepts and support why you feel the skills were used effectively.
● Identify and reflect upon your limitations in the conversation and how you could have improved
communication. Use verbatim quotes and descriptions of body language to support your critique.
Using relevant literature, define all of your concepts and support why you feel the skills were used
ineffectively and how you may improve your communication.
● Please note that you will be graded on your ability to self-critique and not on the quality of the
skills that you use in the recording per se. In other words, your written Assessment will reflect
your critical insight into your overall use of interpersonal communication skills.
● In your assessment you are required to incorporate a minimum of four readings/ references
together with a reference list.
● Please ensure that your paper is in APA format.
● Please ensure that you acknowledge the relevant sources and that you reference accurately,
diligently and consistently. *If it is someone else’s work it should be acknowledged.
Reflective Essay Rubric
1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points Points
Depth of
Demonstrates little
or no
understanding of
the subject. This
reflection needs
Demonstrates a
understanding of
the subject. This
reflection needs
Demonstrates a
understanding of
the subject.
Demonstrates a
understanding of
the subject.
Demonstrates and
conscious and
understanding of
the subject. This
reflections can be
used as an
example for other
Use of
textual and
No examples from
the text are used
and claims made
are unsupported
and irrelevant to
the subject.
Uses incomplete of
vaguely developed
examples to only
partially support
claims with no
connections to
‘real-life’ context.
Uses examples
from texts to
support most
claims with some
between texts and
‘real-life’ contexts.
Uses relevant
examples from the
texts to support
claims, making
between the texts
and ‘real-life’
Uses specific and
convincing from the
texts to support
claims, making
insightful and
between the texts
and ‘real-life’
Writing style Uses language that
is unsuitable for the
audience and
Uses language that
is vague or
imprecise for the
Uses basic but
language with a
Uses language that
is fluent and
original with
Uses stylistically
language that is

South African College of Applied Psychology (Pty) Ltd
Interpersonal Communication Skills
Module Outline
Page 10
You are required to record a face to face dyadic interpersonal communication between yourself and
another person. This must not be scripted nor be a mock counselling session but rather a natural
conversation/chat of 5-10 minutes maximum. Record the conversation and include this with your
assessment. Following from this, you will be required to present a written self-critique where you
reflect critically upon your own strengths and limitations during this conversation.
Your self-critique should address the following points:
● Identify and reflect upon your strengths demonstrated in the conversation. Use verbatim quotes
and descriptions of body language to support your critique. Using relevant literature, define all of
your concepts and support why you feel the skills were used effectively.
● Identify and reflect upon your limitations in the conversation and how you could have improved
communication. Use verbatim quotes and descriptions of body language to support your critique.
Using relevant literature, define all of your concepts and support why you feel the skills were used
ineffectively and how you may improve your communication.
● Please note that you will be graded on your ability to self-critique and not on the quality of the
skills that you use in the recording per se. In other words, your written Assessment will reflect
your critical insight into your overall use of interpersonal communication skills.
● In your assessment you are required to incorporate a minimum of four readings/ references
together with a reference list.
● Please ensure that your paper is in APA format.
● Please ensure that you acknowledge the relevant sources and that you reference accurately,
diligently and consistently. *If it is someone else’s work it should be acknowledged.
Reflective Essay Rubric
1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points Points
Depth of
Demonstrates little
or no
understanding of
the subject. This
reflection needs
Demonstrates a
understanding of
the subject. This
reflection needs
Demonstrates a
understanding of
the subject.
Demonstrates a
understanding of
the subject.
Demonstrates and
conscious and
understanding of
the subject. This
reflections can be
used as an
example for other
Use of
textual and
No examples from
the text are used
and claims made
are unsupported
and irrelevant to
the subject.
Uses incomplete of
vaguely developed
examples to only
partially support
claims with no
connections to
‘real-life’ context.
Uses examples
from texts to
support most
claims with some
between texts and
‘real-life’ contexts.
Uses relevant
examples from the
texts to support
claims, making
between the texts
and ‘real-life’
Uses specific and
convincing from the
texts to support
claims, making
insightful and
between the texts
and ‘real-life’
Writing style Uses language that
is unsuitable for the
audience and
Uses language that
is vague or
imprecise for the
Uses basic but
language with a
Uses language that
is fluent and
original with
Uses stylistically
language that i

South African College of Applied Psychology (Pty) Ltd
Interpersonal Communication Skills
Module Outline
Page 10
You are required to record a face to face dyadic interpersonal communication between yourself and
another person. This must not be scripted nor be a mock counselling session but rather a natural
conversation/chat of 5-10 minutes maximum. Record the conversation and include this with your
assessment. Following from this, you will be required to present a written self-critique where you
reflect critically upon your own strengths and limitations during this conversation.
Your self-critique should address the following points:
● Identify and reflect upon your strengths demonstrated in the conversation. Use verbatim quotes
and descriptions of body language to support your critique. Using relevant literature, define all of
your concepts and support why you feel the skills were used effectively.
● Identify and reflect upon your limitations in the conversation and how you could have improved
communication. Use verbatim quotes and descriptions of body language to support your critique.
Using relevant literature, define all of your concepts and support why you feel the skills were used
ineffectively and how you may improve your communication.
● Please note that you will be graded on your ability to self-critique and not on the quality of the
skills that you use in the recording per se. In other words, your written Assessment will reflect
your critical insight into your overall use of interpersonal communication skills.
● In your assessment you are required to incorporate a minimum of four readings/ references
together with a reference list.
● Please ensure that your paper is in APA format.
● Please ensure that you acknowledge the relevant sources and that you reference accurately,
diligently and consistently. *If it is someone else’s work it should be acknowledged.
Reflective Essay Rubric
1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points Points
Depth of
Demonstrates little
or no
understanding of
the subject. This
reflection needs
Demonstrates a
understanding of
the subject. This
reflection needs
Demonstrates a
understanding of
the subject.
Demonstrates a
understanding of
the subject.
Demonstrates and
conscious and
understanding of
the subject. This
reflections can be
used as an
example for other
Use of
textual and
No examples from
the text are used
and claims made
are unsupported
and irrelevant to
the subject.
Uses incomplete of
vaguely developed
examples to only
partially support
claims with no
connections to
‘real-life’ context.
Uses examples
from texts to
support most
claims with some
between texts and
‘real-life’ contexts.
Uses relevant
examples from the
texts to support
claims, making
between the texts
and ‘real-life’
Uses specific and
convincing from the
texts to support
claims, making
insightful and
between the texts
and ‘real-life’
Writing style Uses language that
is unsuitable for the


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