E. coli contamination

So it is a group proposal project that everyone have their parts. my parts are Methods and Personnel. We are Biochemical Consultants that should provide a proposal to a company named FMSR which has problems with E. coli (detailed information including recommendation report and other things are available in materials). so for the methods, i need to research about the methods of dealing with e coli and provide a way to the company. and then for the personnel, please List the key persons involved in the project and give brief descriptions of the responsibilities and qualifications of each one. Curriculum vitae are usually included in the appendix, so it is not necessary to duplicate the information but rather to provide a summary that documents the ability of the project staff to complete the project. If consultants are to be involved, describe the reason for their involvement, their qualifications and role. and please use our names for the personals. our names are: Rachel Lara, Sam Mirbaha, Mario Tovar, Florence Omisamys. Please do one page for each part.

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