Early 20th Century America

1.) Read Chapter 28 from America A Narrative History. While reading Chapter 28, consider what were the immediate challenges facing Franklin Roosevelt in March 1933. Think about the criticisms that both Conservatives and Liberals leveled against the New Deal. Also, consider how the New Deal expanded the federal government’s authority.

2.) Read the primary documents below— one, a radio address by Huey Long, the other an article authored by Eleanor Roosevelt. When reading these first-hand, primary documents, consider what they add to the secondary historical account you read from America A Narrative History.

3.) Watch the movie The Grapes of Wrath. When watching this film, consider how this film portrays the plight of ordinary Americans during the Great Depression. Who helps these ordinary Americans survive? Who exploits these ordinary Americans? Is the film supportive of Roosevelt’s New Deal?

4.) Write a four page paper (follow the rules for writing assignments as outlined in the syllabus) that compares and contrasts these primary and secondary sources, and the movie, The Grapes of Wrath. Specifically, was it necessary for the federal government to expand its powers and try and stop the Great Depression? Could the Great Depression ended on its own without any government intervention? What does the experience of the 1920s (in particular, the lack of government intervention in the economy at this time) and the Great Depression say about free-market capitalism? Do these documents and film support the narrative offered by the textbook? Be specific when answering these questions, and provide three quotations (Follow the Chicago rules for citations) from each document (six all together) to support your arguments. Also, in what way do the documents echo some of the themes in The Grapes of Wrath? Be specific when answering this question, and provide three examples from the film’s narrative to support your arguments.

5.) Finally, insert two historic photos into your paper that illustrates the historic dynamics you are examining and synthesizing for your paper. You are discussing the Great Depression. Remember, your photos must be historic, so in other words, they must have been taken at the time and place you are examining. They cannot be contemporary photos depicting the events we are studying. Identify your photos. Discuss in the narrative of your paper how they support the historic arguments you are making. Do not forget to identify the web address where you located your photos (cut and paste the address at the base of your pictures).

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