Early majority-minority interaction patterns

identify and discuss which early majority-minority interaction patterns are still
prevalent today.
In order to prepare for this discussion, you must first complete the following readings.
Read Chapter 5- North and West European Americans.
Review the relevant sections of Chapter 2, and Chapter 4, that address relation between majority and minority
After you have completed your readings, select only ONE of the following questions, and post your response.
Choose 1, 2, 3, or 4.
What current day dominant and minority response patterns occurred during the colonial period?
What aspects of the Irish, Dutch or German experience can be applied to current immigrant groups? Select
one of these groups and compare them to a specific group today (your choice).
Why didn’t all immigrants desire to become fully participating citizens in the country to which they moved? In
your opinion, does this still apply today?
How did immigrants who were seeking religious freedom come to the New World with their own stereotyped
beliefs, and how did this impact their relationship with other immigrants?

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