Economic status and social change

1) Discuss Jacob Riis and his photographs in How the Other Half Lives? How was he using his
photography to advocate for change in the tenements? Did his photographs have an impact on you?
2) In a few sentences, tell me what Erik Gomez was trying to say about the United States and immigration in
“Through the Eyes of a Child Immigrant.” What about this video had an impact on you?
3) How was the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire an intersectional example in the history of the Labor
Movement? Who was primarily affected? How did this event change the Labor Movement?
4) What are some themes and issues in Urban Studies that have acted as agents of change or have started
movements for change? Choose a specific issue in Urban Studies and cite a video or source we talked about
in this unit that helped you learn more about the issue you selected.
5) What are some examples of movements that have addressed economic inequalities?

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