Education for new hire nurses about oncology emergency: Tumor Lysis Syndrome

Components of the project such as facility information, the identified need, time of completion, and lastly the author’s reason for choosing this particular project. The expected length of your practicum proposal is 10 to 12 pages, not including the title and reference pages. Your final practicum proposal should contain the following elements: Title Page Table of contents Introduction Align to organization’s vision and mission statement Background of project’s impetus Literature review Gap analysis/needs assessment Project charter, scope, and objectives Implementation plan Define the processes and procedures involved Work units, tasks/activities Define project deliverables Define the metrics that will determine success. How will you know that change is an improvement? Timeline and schedule Budget Cost-benefit analysis Identify all resources needed (tangible and intangible) Risk management plan Reference Page Appendices PLEASE READ MORE DETAIL INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROJECT PROPOSAL (see attached file

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