Education policy initiatives on the Governor of Michigan

Suppose that you are an advisor to the Governor of Michigan. The Governor is deciding on her education policy initiatives and wants to propose some education policies. She has put forward three proposals: 1. Change Michigan’s accountability system from one where schools are evaluated based on the percent of students who pass the state exams to one where the schools are evaluated based on how much students’ achievement improves each year (a growth-based system). ? 2. Introduce a cap on the number of charter schools that are allowed to operate in Michigan (there previously was a cap but that was removed in 2011). ? 3. Implement a teacher incentive pay program that will pay teachers a $1000 bonus to teachers who are in the top 10% of value-added scores statewide. ? Choose one of the proposals above and provide a written policy brief of 600 to 1000 words that advises the governor on whether the proposal is a good or bad idea, or if the existing research cannot provide a consensus one way or the other. In your brief you should make sure to discuss the following • A brief overview of the state of the particular education policy you choose in Michigan and nationwide. ? • A discussion of relevant research on accountability, charter schools, or teacher incentive pay – depending on which policy proposal you choose – and how it the findings relate to the proposed policy. ? • A recommendation to go forward with the policy, not go forward with it, or suggestions for changes. ?

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