Educational Theories

Educational Theories

The post has two asighnments

1;Educational Theories

Write a 500-1000 word paper, adhering to APA format on the following topic using at
least 5 references synthesized into your discussion:

Educational theories reflect unique perspectives based on differing assumptions,
values, and beliefs about teaching, learning, and the Iearning process- Given the many
educational theories presented in this module, select one that particularly resonates
with you. What is unique about this theory that appeals to you? What advantages do
you think it has over the other educational theories? How has this theory impacted you
as a student, and then looking forward, how will it influence you as an educator’? This
assignment will be used as a component of your e-Portfolio, the section mlled
“Theoretical Basis for Nursing Practice.‘

2;How advertising effects the lives of youth

″Statement of commisioner Michael J.Coops″ page 108 ″ the average child sees tens if thousands of commercials a years. Even more disturbing still are studies demonstrating that children 8 and under don′t-cause they can′t- distinguish between advertisement and programming″. The second quote found in the same article also page 108 is,″ Two years age, the Commisioner began the task of updating our polices adopted under the Childrens television act. Next quote found on online article,″facts about marketing to children ″page 92 says,″ advertising cab cause children to form brand loyalty at age 2″. Article 4 ″Attack of the ad; kids see thousands of ads for junk food want year- abd that has many experts worried″ says ″Researchers from Mcmaskrr university in Canada studied the effect of junk food ads. They found add can change kids eating habits almost immediately″. Last quote from same article says″ It(the study) found that kids watched nearly 12 ads on tv each day. Most of these  weren′t healthy foods. In fact kids are only one per week for fruits and veggies″.

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