Effects of estrogen and progesterone on the female body

  1. What are the effects of estrogen and progesterone on the
    female body? When used clinically, what are the expected
    therapeutic actions and the adverse effects?
  2. What are the effects of estrogen and progesterone on the
    female body during pregnancy?
  3. You are the nurse working in a Planned Parenthood clinic.
    Develop a teaching plan that contains the most important
    teaching points that can be used for women seeking birth
    conwol medications.

4, What are the most important nursing assessments and
nursing interventions that should be implemented when
working with patients receiving female reproductive system
medications? Include the rationale for all nursing assessments
and interventions.

Assignments, Chapter 41, Drugs Affecting the Male Reproductive System

  1. Identify why a patient would be prescribed androgens. Describe 1
    the adverse effects?
  2. Develop a chart that identifies the therapeutic actions, indications, 2
    drug-drug interactions for testosterone, oxandrolone, and sildenafil.
  3. Discuss nursing concems and nursing measures for use of 3
    older adult.
  4. A 20-year-old patient is seeking information about the use of
    anabolic steroids. Role-play a health care provider and patient
    discussing the similarities and differences among oxandrolone and
    other anabolic steroids, and the appropriate use of this class of drug.
    Assignments, Chapter 42, Introduction to the Cardiovascular System
  5. You are the nurse in the cardiologist’s office. Describe how 3

you would explain to a new cardiac patient the conduction

system of the heart. Correlate the normal ECG pattem with

the cardiac electrical activity.

  1. What are the mechanisms that control blood pressure? How

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Assignments, Chapter 42, Introduction to the Cardiovascular System

  1. You are the nurse in the cardiologist’s office. Describe how 3
    you would explain to a new cardiac patient the conduction
    system of the heart. Correlate the normal ECG pattem with
    the cardiac elecwical activity.
  2. What are the mechanisms that control blood pressure? How
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  3. Design a poster where each student is responsible for
    designing and identifying a specific component of the heart.
    Identify with red and blue markers the flow of oxygenated and
    deoxygenated blood through the heart and cardiac muscle.

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Assignments, Chapter 43, Drugs Affecting Blood Pressure

  1. Using a table format, identify the three normal controls of
    blood pressure and how angiotensin-converting enzyme
    (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs),
    calcium channel blockers, and vasodilators affect these
  2. There are several classifications of antihypertensive 3
    medications used for control of hypertension. Some
    classifications are more commonly used in specific
    populations. What are the common concerns with the use of
    specific classifications of antihypertensives across the
  3. Each person takes one class of medications to control blood 2
    pressure: angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors,
    angiotensin II-receptor blockers (ARBs), calcium channel
    blockers, and vasodilators. The group takes part in a panel
    discussion describing the therapeutic actions, indications,
    pharmacokinetics, contraindications, the most common
    adverse reactions, and the important drug-drug interactions
    for each medication group.

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tor each medication group.

  1. Construct a wall chart that compares and contrasts the
    prototype drugs captopril, losartan, diltiazem, and
    nitroprusside. After the chart is completed, discuss how drugs
    within each class compare to each other and with drugs in
    other classifications. Describe the similarities and differences
    among the medications affecting blood pressure. |
    Assignments, Chapter 44, Cardiotonic Agents
    1, Describe the pathophysiology of heart failure. What are the Pp
    Clinical signs and symptoms of heart failure?
  2. Explain how the compensatory mechanisms for heart 2
    failure work to maintain cardiac function. What occurs if
    these mechanisms begin to fail?
  3. List three essential nursing measures required to be PO
    implemented when using digoxin in pediatric patients.
  4. What nursing measures should be implemented when
    working with older adults using cardiac glycosides? What are
    the signs and symptoms of digoxin toxicity and why are older
    adults at a higher risk?
  5. Construct a table comparing the cardiac glycosides, the
    phosphodiesterase inhibitors, and the digoxin antidotes. For
    each drug group, describe the therapeutic actions, indications,
    pharmacokinetics, contraindications, the most common
    adverse reactions, and the important drug—drug interactions
    for each group.

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