Elder Care Law


1 ) Advance Planning –

How can health and human service providers encourage clients to engage in advance planning with the legal mechanisms described in the lesson? Should such planning be encouraged at all? Why or why not? Justify your answer

2 ) – Advance Directives –

Outline and define the different type of advanced directive documents available to be executed by a person.

3) — Voluntary Admissions
Should voluntary admissions to public mental institutions be abolished as involuntary, with formal procedural protections required accordingly? What purposes are served by maintaining voluntary admission status? Justify your answer

4)- Case Study : Review the case, Answer the questions presented. Give your reasons

Mr. J sometimes seems confused and sometimes quite lucid. On some days you can have a normal conversation with him, whereas on others he doesn’t remember he ever met you. XYZ Agency has provided homemaker and bathing assistance for several years to Mr. J, who lives alone in a garden apartment. Questions are starting to be raised about Mr. J’s capacity to continue living alone in his own apartment. Once, he left the stove on and a small fire resulted. Mr. J’s daughter is concerned and would like her father in a safer environment. She has consulted Mr. J’s physician. For his part, though, Mr. J is not willing to give up control over his life willingly. He believes he can manage his own affairs just fine and likes his current living circumstances. Based on a short consultation, the physician is willing to say that Mr. J is decisionally incapacitated, but the XYZ Agency case manager does not believe Mr. J is at the stage of incapacity yet. What are the case manager’s legal and ethical obligations and options at this point?

Refer book > Kapp, Marshall B.. Legal Aspects of Elder Care, Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC, 2009.

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